Tuesday, October 11, 2005

a zen like state of sequencing

my boss told me today that i need to be in a zen like state of dna sequencing! i think it was his subtle way of saying get busy! i'm in the middle of finding another mutation in another gene. we have a few candidates so hopefully we picked the right ones. all fingers are crossed.

for those of you who don't know, my boss is mark adams. mark, along with craig venter, was a co-founder of celera. he was also one of the founders of TIGR. i'm very fortunate to be a graduate student in his lab. it's one of the reasons why i'm working my butt off. it's really a great feeling to be working in a lab with high expectations.

it was actually pretty funny today. mark was in the lab telling me about a movie he saw over the weekend. i was surprised that he had time to go see a movie. maybe i need to take a break too. but then again, he's earned the right to rest. i haven't yet! but what was funny was that the movie he saw was "serenity." and he was talking about it like a little kid. "there were these spaceships fighting these other spaceships. and they picked up this girl who had super powers." i guess you had to be there...

on a side note, toshi in boston said that Pu Pu Hotpot restaurant doesn't even serve hotpot. what a scam!! how can you name yourself something you don't serve! it's like pizza hut not serving pizza! or burger king not serving burgers! unbelievable!!

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