Monday, October 10, 2005

how lucky we are...

today i realized what a fragile world we live in. we work and try to make ends meet, but in the end, what does it all mean? from the latest hurricanes to the earthquake in pakistan, we are nothing in the overall scheme of things.

as tragic as these events are, they are also valuable lessons to what is truly important in life. humbling circumstances that makes us realize that social status, cars, houses, money, job, means absolutely nothing. they are just things that preoccupy us while we are here on this short vacation called life. so what is important? to not take forgranted all the things around us. from the walls that protects us, to the clear water that flows into our sink. every breath we take is a miracle and gift that for a million reasons could have been taken away. don't wait for a trajedy to realize how fortunate we are. please consider donating to charity or at least your thoughts to not only victims of these latest natural disasters but to victims of human nature.

American Red Cross

1 comment:

charlie brown said...

Life is uncertain but death is certain. From the day we are born, we are walking towards death. However, most people (including myself) live life thinking that there is always tomorrow and take things and people around us for granted. If only we live each day as if it is our last day on earth, there will be more love, tolerance, forgiveness and less violence, anger, hatred on earth. Life is fragile. Cherish every moment.