Wednesday, October 05, 2005

what a busy day! can i start all my entries like that or can i just say that this is a given! if it ever changes i'll let you know. it doesn't help that i've got another freakin migraine. i think this one started from the pepperoni sub i just had for dinner. but it is a beautiful day here in cleveland. a little unexpected so i really can't even enjoy it since i have over dressed!

just yesterday i found out that one of my ex-gf has moved back in town. although i am not completely alarmed, i am a bit unnerved. we didn't really end on happy terms and i think she feels that there are a lot of unresolved issues. i, on the other hand am happily married to my beautiful wife, Josephine! i think it will be a bit akward if i do run into her as it is very likely, since she is in the dental school.

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