Saturday, October 08, 2005

memories of food

kinda hungry right now for some bratwurst. or as some of my friends would call it, "la sausage." this is a picture of a brat that has been long gone. don't really want to think about where it is right now! i came across the picture as i was sorting out my camera. soon as i saw it, i started getting hungry. people rarely take pictures of their food, but i do it often. food unlike other types of entertainment sometimes is really a once in a lifetime experience. sometimes the thing we miss most are food items. for example, if you have been to paris, you might miss the eiffel tower, but looking at a picture of the eiffel tower can bring back the sight of how grand and beautiful it is. however, if you had a great meal or had a glass of fine wine, even a beautiful picture could never bring back that taste in your mouth. sight and sound, no problem. but taste and smell my friends, are the things we can never capture. so next time you have a delicious meal, savor every bite. and take a picture, just to try to remember what a beautiful meal you may have.

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