Friday, October 07, 2005


i am so happy the weekend is here. i can finally catch up on some sleep! which probably won't happen! it never happens. i don't think you can really catch up on sleep. sometimes when you sleep too much you just get more tired. something about too much REM...

i don't have anything planned for the weekend. actually i take that back. i have a ton of work to finish up. i have to wrap up two websites that i am designing. one for a bakery and another for frontiers in reproduction. as happy as i am that i actually get paid for this, sometimes i feel embarassed at my lack of creativity. or perhaps, it's more that i am too creative and i end up taking way too long on any given project. i hope it doesn't take too long this weekend!

as for josephine, she has to wake up REALLY early tomorrow for the race for a cure. i think it's really cool she's doing that. i hope that she can last the entire race! because of our busy schedule, she hasn't been able to excercise as much as she use to. i'm actually pretty excited that she has started her own blog. and though she says i forced her to make one, in reality, she has been begging me to help her!

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