Thursday, October 27, 2005

don't hate me cause i'm smart...

adelphia came today and corrected the situation. the technician that they sent was actually a pretty nice guy. he was originally from africa and got his bachelor's degree at kenyon college. he was working in the steel industry and trying to get his master's degree when he got layed off and is now trying to make ends meet with this current job. i really felt bad for the guy but at the same time i really respected him for working hard and trying to keep things together. unlike the man i spoke of yesterday!!

we got on the subject of race and how we both disliked stereotypes no matter what they were. he, of african descent, despised comments that assumed people of his race were better athletes and i sympathized with him. i told him i hated it when in high school, people said, "oh you don't need to study, you're asian, you'll ace it." that really down plays how hard i have to work to get to where i am. the technician agreed and said that it is most likely more about family upbringing. i couldn't have agreed more.

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