Thursday, October 13, 2005


migraines are my enemy. today i had a really bad migraine. it started off as a cluster headache and then became a full blown migraine complete with nausea and vertigo. i guess i can consider myself lucky that i don't get auras.

for days that i get migraines, i apologize, but i will use the blog as a place to figure out my migraine triggers. perhaps others with migraines can do the same so that we can generate a huge list and perhaps breakdown some of the real reasons behind these triggers. i know there are already some lists out there, but i don't think the underlying chemical mechanisms are known.

lunch: bagel, cream cheese with onion and chives, water
dinner: (red lobster) salad with ranch dressing, shrimp scampi, shrimp pasta with alfredo sauce, fried shrimp with cocktail sauce, fries, and ketchup, garlic cheddar biscuit.

i know, i know... my day was full of triggers! no wonder i felt like i was going to die!! but i remained dedicated. i told jo to wake me up before midnight so that i could post this blog in time for thursday. i didn't want you guys to think i forgot about you! when she did, i thought i was having an out of body experience!

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