Wednesday, October 26, 2005


sorry for the long gap since i have written. it is exactly why i have been insistant on writing everyday! i knew that if i fell behind it would be so easy to just let it slide. but i don't want to do that! writing in this blog has been a great relaxation tool for me and i grateful for all those who continue to read it.

so yesterday as i was filling up the car with gas, a man approached me and asked me for fifty cents. i said i didn't have it and he walked into the store and bought a pack of cigarettes and walked away. this is not that rare of an occurence in cleveland but it got me thinking. what makes a man lose all dignity and ask another man for money? i use to think it was out of desperation, hunger, and lack of basic necessities that would drive a man such a level. or i would even understand perhaps an unfortunate event that caused a momentary cry for help such as a stolen wallet. but when i saw the guy walk out with a pack of cigarettes, i became totally confused. i no longer understood why he would ask me for money. desperation and loss of dignity were now separated. maybe the real question is, why does this man not realize he should have more dignity than to ask another man for money... what shame...

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