Tuesday, October 18, 2005

lay off the drugs...

so today i realized i need to stop taking my preventative medication for migraines. it absolutely plays around with my cognitive abilities. one side affect was memory loss and reflex/coordination problems. which i never really realized until today. some of you may remember that i said today is my father's birthday. well, in fact, it is my mother's birthday. i'm so glad that my brother corrected me. i was really disappointed in myself. i mean, i'm almost in depression. the scary thing was, even after i realized the truth, my brain could not process the reality. like i said, i need to stop taking the drugs. i can't risk losing memory like this. especially in graduate school. thank god, things were corrected in time. but i still can't believe that i misremembered something so important. it's like somebody saying my name is ricky and realizing it for the first time. it's really scary for me right now...

well, it was my mother's birthday, and we celebrated in mansfield. we had a nice dinner and cake. she was so happy to see all of us (my brother, josephine, and i). she was so sweet. she pulled josephine over and said "i want a picture with josephine since it's my first birthday with a daughter." it was very touching. we got her a food processor because she had mentioned a while ago that she wanted one. i hope she likes the one we picked out. next week is my dad's birthday. so we can celebrate all over again.

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