Sunday, October 30, 2005

fall back and spring forward...

that's how i remember if i should change my clock forward an hour or back an hour!

it's been a pretty unproductive weekend. i had great intentions to get a lot done but i'm sure all of you out there know how it is! especially during DST transitioning back to winter time. i heard that they are thinking about pushing back DST an extra month. i totaly agree because it is way to early to change the time. it is dark when we get up and dark when we get off work for about a month before the sun catches up! it is usually pretty depressing during this time period! and as for the season change, i think there is some serious barometric pressure differences that is leading to my migraines. i've talked to a few other migraine sufferers and they all have had an increase in the number of migraines in the past few days. perhaps it has something to do with the hurricanes too! but i've been ok for the past few days.

i'm watching a bit of the brown's game and i'm so disgusted! two turnovers in the last 2 possesions! i thought it was bad enough that we couldn't beat detroit! it's not easy being a brown's fan. it's not easy being a cleveland fan!!

today josephine and i went to aurora outlet for some shopping. it was a nice day to walk around. even though i'm pretty busy, i want to make sure i make time for what is most important in life!

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