Wednesday, October 19, 2005

hot chocolate

my pcr is finally working, so i'm catching the lucky wave and getting back into the zen of things! i hope i can find this next mutation by the end of this week. i'm giving lab meeting again on friday so hopefully i'll have data to present.

i'm just not myself these days. i need to refocus myself and regroup. i have been very unhappy with myself lately. work has been piling up, not because i've neglected it, but there is just so much for me to do. i have so many pressures that are upon me. i need a little break to unwind. thank god for josephine who sees me through all of this. thank you honey for being so understanding when i get all cranky and grumpy. i know that you have your own stressful situations. and i want to be sure that i am there for all of your hardships. so tonight, make sure you tell me all about your day. i'll make some hot chocolate...

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