Thursday, October 05, 2006

and yet another lag

Hello everybody, I know this is yet another apology for not posting, but I've been so busy. Josephine and I actually have both been extremely busy. Especially Jo since she is currently managing work with writing a paper with Joe AND taking classes. But she's wonderful and has been a great wife through it all. I feel bad, I can't help her out more and sometimes I get stressed out by the thought of not being able to help her. Which really doesn't help the situation at all!

Anyway, tomorrow is a Chinese holiday. So my family are coming up from Mansfield and having dinner with her family who come down from Toronto. It will be great to see the big family! But I really wish I could see my parents more.

Have you guys heard about the cola that helps you burn calories? It's by Coca-Cola called ENVIGA. Another start up has also made one called Celsius. Looks interesting! Drinking one cola will help you burn 7-100 calories. Hmmm... sounds fishy. Wonder if it'll make me go to the toilet like Olestra? But I'm a sucker for new drinks so I'll let you know as soon as I try it. The secret ingredient is chromium which is suppose to boost metabolism. I need that... I think...

I'll try the one from Coca-Cola first! Another COLA WAR has begun!! Pepsi will join soon enough!

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