Monday, October 23, 2006

new schedule

i think it is more practical if i write once a week. i'll try to write more but once a week will be the bare minimum! anyways... i've been working hard trying to find the mutation in one of my mouse strains. it's been quite an illusive end. but i will be sequencing several genes at once and hopefully i will get lucky. i really want to have a good complete story for my two mouse strains by the time i present a poster at ASH (American Society of Hematology) Meeting December 9-12. i'm pretty excited as this will be my first meeting that i will be attending and it definitely helps that it will be in Orlando, Florida. josephine is also be going. she's actually going to Florida this week for some other meeting. lucky her!

i'll try to work hard but i'll probably end up playing lots of video games. speaking of video games, i just got Splinter Cell: Double Agent two days ago. great follow up to Chaos Theory. i highly recommend it. another something i would recommend is "Heroes" on NBC. what an intersting show!

this past weekend we celebrated my mom and dad's birthday. they have birthday's a week apart. it was nice to have dinner and cake with them. we went to Brassa Grill down in the warehouse district. brazillian style grill of about 15 different types of meat! all you can eat!! it was delicious. oh yea! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!

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