Thursday, December 14, 2006

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Hello from Orlando!

This is an image taken from Orlando, Florida of the shuttle launch! The conference at ASH has been great so far. I presented my poster and I got a few inquries but nothing really too helpful in temrs of next steps. Tomorrow is more meetings!

Saturday, November 25, 2006


And yet another successful turkey prepared by my beautiful wife. It was delicious! And look at all the trimmings! From green beans with carmelized onions, stuffing, homemade mashed potatoes, corn, cheddar garlic biscuits from scratch, two types of gravy, and a cheeseball. We were sooo stuffed. My mom also added to the delicious food with a pineapple walnut bread and a pumpkin flan with orange topping. Jealous??

Monday, November 20, 2006

happy thanksgiving...

yes another holiday is upon us. happy thankgviging! this year we are having turkey at the apartment. josephine is going to make a 20lb turkey this year! i'm really excited. she's a great cook and i'm looking forward to it. my parents and our borthers will be here to celebrate.

i think we'll just relax and play some video games. i have to work a bit in the morning but i'll be home in time for turkey! spearking of video games, i finished "splinter cell: double agent." great game!

now i'm trying my best to finish this poster for ASH meeting. i'll make sure to take pics of the feast on thursday! later!!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Monday, October 23, 2006

new schedule

i think it is more practical if i write once a week. i'll try to write more but once a week will be the bare minimum! anyways... i've been working hard trying to find the mutation in one of my mouse strains. it's been quite an illusive end. but i will be sequencing several genes at once and hopefully i will get lucky. i really want to have a good complete story for my two mouse strains by the time i present a poster at ASH (American Society of Hematology) Meeting December 9-12. i'm pretty excited as this will be my first meeting that i will be attending and it definitely helps that it will be in Orlando, Florida. josephine is also be going. she's actually going to Florida this week for some other meeting. lucky her!

i'll try to work hard but i'll probably end up playing lots of video games. speaking of video games, i just got Splinter Cell: Double Agent two days ago. great follow up to Chaos Theory. i highly recommend it. another something i would recommend is "Heroes" on NBC. what an intersting show!

this past weekend we celebrated my mom and dad's birthday. they have birthday's a week apart. it was nice to have dinner and cake with them. we went to Brassa Grill down in the warehouse district. brazillian style grill of about 15 different types of meat! all you can eat!! it was delicious. oh yea! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Happy Bosses Day!

Happy Bosses Day Mark! More than 1800 Post-It Notes were used!

The Culprits...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

and yet another lag

Hello everybody, I know this is yet another apology for not posting, but I've been so busy. Josephine and I actually have both been extremely busy. Especially Jo since she is currently managing work with writing a paper with Joe AND taking classes. But she's wonderful and has been a great wife through it all. I feel bad, I can't help her out more and sometimes I get stressed out by the thought of not being able to help her. Which really doesn't help the situation at all!

Anyway, tomorrow is a Chinese holiday. So my family are coming up from Mansfield and having dinner with her family who come down from Toronto. It will be great to see the big family! But I really wish I could see my parents more.

Have you guys heard about the cola that helps you burn calories? It's by Coca-Cola called ENVIGA. Another start up has also made one called Celsius. Looks interesting! Drinking one cola will help you burn 7-100 calories. Hmmm... sounds fishy. Wonder if it'll make me go to the toilet like Olestra? But I'm a sucker for new drinks so I'll let you know as soon as I try it. The secret ingredient is chromium which is suppose to boost metabolism. I need that... I think...

I'll try the one from Coca-Cola first! Another COLA WAR has begun!! Pepsi will join soon enough!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Bone Marrow Transplant Patient Reunion

Josephine and I went to the Cleveland Clinic's Bone Marrow Transplant Celebration of Life: Patient Reunion. This annual event was held this year at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I was touched by how many people have been treated and at the same time, how many people have been affected by cancer, particularly leukemia. The 800 people that attended was only a small part of the huge family that the disease influences; care-givers, family members, as well as patients. And to think that those in attendance were only the survivors. It was also a good experience for me to see how important my wife's work is. Her work, although she says indirectly, helps makes these peoples lives better. I think that's awesome. I enjoyed meeting all her coworkers and seeing the people she interacts with everyday. It was also my first time at the Rock Hall. I'll have to go again when I can actually go through the entire exhibit!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

First Brown's Game

My brother and I went to the first Brown's game of the regular season. We got club seats so we had an excellent view of the field and good food too! Thanks dad for the tickets!

Although the Brown's lost, we still had a good time! It's going to be a rough year! But as usual, Cleveland fans always find something to cheer about.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Weekend in DC

Thanks to all our friends who meet up with us in DC. We had a great time. Special thanks to Kirsten for letting us stay with her and showing us around town. I hope we didn't cause too much trouble!

Josephine and I had a really fun time listening to all your stories of how life has changed and not changed since moving away from Cleveland and we are anxious to make the move ourselves. For a while I was in a slump in terms of my studies, but seeing all your successes, gave me a renewed spirit and energy. I'm going to buckle down and focus so that we can get out of here and on to bigger and better things. And from the commentary that Toshi gives while we were in DC, Boston seems like the next place we need to visit and consider for our next abode.

Shopping in Chevy Chase and an unplanned tribute to the Beatles.

The little dessert cafe we stopped at was very fancy. Toshi and I had fun taking pics of our food. Then, tackling the all you can eat crabs was an event.

It was fun to see everybody try it but I think I was the only one that got full! Thanks to everybody who joined me!

In the picture is Zhen, Me, Toshi, Mike, Matt, Laura, Karen, Kirsten, Josephine, and Connie (L to R). Congratulations to Matt and Laura and Zhen and Connie who will be proud parents very soon!

Next time we'll have to try this Moby Dick House of Kabob! It just sounds funny! Must be big skewers. In front of the Spy Museum.

And I have to add this last picture of Toshi with his $30 umbrella. After checking it for wind-resistance in the store, we both agreed that it probably would be worth the investment. Keep me posted Toshi! And by the way, I still think you should have asked for that girls number! She was DEFINITELY flirting with you!

Next to be added will be pictures from Josephine and I's trip to HK and Tokyo. Stay tuned! They will be added VERY SOON!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Happy Anniversary!

I can't believe it has been one year! Happy Anniversary to my beautiful wife.

I am the luckiest man in the world. Everything in my life is better now that you are in my life.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Sorry! Really have been neglecting the blog. Trip to asia hasn't been posted and I've been so enthrawled with the World Cup! I'm so sad that England lost. But they weren't playing up to par. Now I'm cheering for France. Go Zidane! Go Henry!!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

josephine's bruise from paintball! more pictures to come!!

but in reality we were there to pick up lambo's new car. a brand new mazda3! it's a beautiful car! i like the color too. can't wait to see what changes you do with it! looks like it's time for me to get a new car...

josephine was quick to find a new car she wanted. she even suggested trading in the benz for this yellow elise! my wife is awesome!

josephine sold her very first car. lots of memories attached to that car! so many road trips! our first trip to chicago. it was the car we drove around in when we were dating. as you can see from the picture, she was sad to see it go. good luck corolla! hope your next owner treats you well!

and then a month later... josephine got one for me as an early birthday present! i have to stay young somehow!!

lambo and his firts gaming console. he was sooo happy!
i know i've neglected you guys. so here is an assortment of pictures to catch up. enjoy!

Monday, April 03, 2006

sorry i haven't been writing recently. i've been working extremely hard on my thesis proposal. my student seminar is on april 10th and my thesis proposal defense is on april 17th. wish me luck! and i'll post more as soon as i am done.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Congratulations! Class of 2006.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

today was match day for medical students across the U.S. the day they find out where they will be doing their residency. i'm proud to say that my brother got into the cleveland clinic foundation for internal medicine! way to go eric! he is driven to be a cardiologist and there's no place better for him than ccf. we are all so proud of you!

Proud brother!

Proud parents...

"Internal Medicine. Cleveland Clinic Foundation." YEA!!!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

whopper crave

whopper crave... i had a craving for whoppers... so i decided to eat three of them. thank god we have a new hobby... also thank god they were only a dollar each.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

we have a new hobby!

josephine's new bike! josephine has finally decided to join me in my hobby of cycling! i know that you'll enjoy it!!

front fork as well as seat post suspension should make that 42 mile trek in NY more comfortable!

shimano alivio deraileurs with some 101 component in there.