Monday, November 21, 2005

don't forget to pull out!

the funniest thing happened today. i was pumping gas and the guy next to me in a rav4 was pumping gas as well, but as i was getting into my car, he started to pull away. all of a sudden, i heard a clank-pop sound. i looked over and saw the gasoline hose still attached to his car as he was driving off. he immediately stopped, got out of the car and grabbed the now detached hose from his car. i looked at the gas pump and gas was spilling out of it like a faucet! i immediately got into my car and drove off!! i didn't want to be part of a firey inferno!! i even turned right even though i had to go left just so i could get out of there as quickly as possible! i finally looped around, and by the time i got back to the gas station, the pump was stopped and everything was under control. but seriously! what an idiot!!

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