Friday, November 04, 2005

and again the migraines have rendered me completely useless. and i've been suffering at work too! nothing seems to be going very smoothly right now. but that is ok. i have a wonderful wife that supports me through it all and that makes everything all better! i took the day off today and rested. i really needed a day to unwind and just get my headache under control. then i took the benz for a little car wash as excercise! one last time before winter!

the fall colors are beautiful here in cleveland. the weather is still pretty nice. i know that it won't last so we should all go out and enjoy it this weekend. my parents however, are in toronto right now. my grandfather has been having dizzy spells so my dad is there to make sure that everything is ok. i hope that all is well. i'll keep you guys all posted.

my brother had his first interview for residency and he thinks he did great! i'm so happy for him. he was yelling at me that i didn't tell him that one of my best friends, emily, is a senior resident in critical pulmonary care at riverside. it totally slipped my mind. but i don't think he needs any help. my brother is so smart and i'm so proud of him! go get them eric!

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