Tuesday, November 01, 2005

big brother is watching us...

i read in a recent article today that they are thinking about using active cell phone connections to track traffic congestion on highways. at first i thought that this was a pretty good idea. until i thought about the privacy issues. is this really necessary? i mean, come on! aren't there better and cheaper, more accurate ways to track traffic? i would think having speed sensors several miles apart from each other would be a pretty good indicator of flow of traffic. this is truly a gateway for an invasion of privacy! i'm totally against this use of technology. it sounds a little too big brother to me!

i had to go to a faculty meeting today. it was pretty boring. but at least i got free lunch. it was nice to hear that joe is interested in recruiting some human geneticist to the department. but when asked to narrow down exactly what field or interest, there really was no focus. from the hundreds of applications for faculty candidates, there was not a single human genetics applicant. we really need to recruit a senior faculty to the department and attract some good people. we have good resources, and we need to find someone who can and will know how to use those resources, from our RNA center to our cancer research ties, to our newly formed proteomics center, we should be able to attract some good people.

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