Monday, November 28, 2005


it's like 100 degrees in the lab so i've decided to study in the library today. the building is designed to turn on the heat for the winter and i guess it stays on until summer and there is no way to shut it off. seeing that it is 70 some degrees outside, it feels like a sauna at my bench. you can lose 5 pounds just walking through the lab!!

Sunday, November 27, 2005


back to work...

i had a wonderful thanksgiving weekend. i hope that everybody had a great time with family and friends. i am so happy that i was able to spend quality time with my wife and my brother and brother-in-law. even though we really didn't do anything special, just spending time at the apartment was great. the above picture is of our tallest jenga tower. lambo always tries to make things difficult!!

now if only i could get back into the groove of things and concentrate. really need to focus on studies again. i've been having nightmares about work! mark would come over to me and ask for data that i haven't done yet!

Friday, November 25, 2005

happy thanksgiving

what a wonderful thanksgiving! happy holidays to everybody out there. make sure you all keep warm. it's snowing like crazy out there so becareful out there driving. this year, josephine and i had our first thanksgiving as husband and wife and we had our brothers over. it was a great success. the turkey was excellent and all the trimmings were delicious!! we have tons of left overs to last us the whole weekend!! thanks eric and eric for being such great brothers. and thanks josephine for being the best wife in the world!

and creme brulee!

my plate!!

ooooh... sooo good, 20 pounds of goodness!! great job jo!

fried mushrooms and olives appetizers!!

the brothers gaming...

all our junk food! ready for the holiday weekend!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

my apartment manager is a freaking idiot. she has sent my long awaited package from back to the sender. now i have to wait another week at least before i get my hard drive. i tried to call fedex to tell them to hold the package at the location which they told me they would. before i was about to leave and pick it up this morning, i called to double check it would be there since it is a half hour drive! thank god i did since the package was already on a truck back to california. f@ck!! so now i have to wait for it to get back there before i can file a claim to get another one shipped to me. i'm so ticked off!!!

Monday, November 21, 2005

don't forget to pull out!

the funniest thing happened today. i was pumping gas and the guy next to me in a rav4 was pumping gas as well, but as i was getting into my car, he started to pull away. all of a sudden, i heard a clank-pop sound. i looked over and saw the gasoline hose still attached to his car as he was driving off. he immediately stopped, got out of the car and grabbed the now detached hose from his car. i looked at the gas pump and gas was spilling out of it like a faucet! i immediately got into my car and drove off!! i didn't want to be part of a firey inferno!! i even turned right even though i had to go left just so i could get out of there as quickly as possible! i finally looped around, and by the time i got back to the gas station, the pump was stopped and everything was under control. but seriously! what an idiot!!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

happy lunar birthday!

i've been do busy lately. it was my mother's lunar calendar birthday today. i felt so bad not being able to spend the day with her. but i really had so much to do this weekend. add on top of that i had a migraine. i'm suppose to get an mri done but i haven't gotten the req to do that. i should go pick that up.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


he's back
superman returns! i know that harry potter is coming out tonight! but i'm looking forward to the next superman movie. for those of you who are my age, i'm sure you share my excitement growing up with those superman movies. i can't wait for the movie to come out! but i do wish that they would have updated superman's costume as they did for batman and spiderman.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

grandpa is better

back from toronto... my grandfather is doing a lot better now. he is stable but very weak. hopes and prayers are with him. the family has a rotating schedule so that somebody is with him 24 hours a day. my dad will be going up to canada every wednesday and coming back on sundays until further notice. i feel very bad that i can't do anymore to help. most of my cousins are in canada and they are all part of the rotating schedule. but it is very difficult for my brother and i to just drop everything to help in this regard. it was nice that i was able to spend a long weekend with my grandfather.

thanks to everybody who are wishing my grandfather well. i will send your regards to him.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

my robot

meet my friend hamilton. he's the robot in the adams lab. he's my best friend. he helps me pool my genotype plates and helps me rearray my sequencing primers. there's no way i could get as much done without him! i'll put a video up of hamilton in action soon. it's really cool! in a nerdy way of course!

Monday, November 07, 2005

old fashioned

i'm still having migraines and they are out of control i think i know why! recently they have been painting the corridors in our building. i think the paint fumes are causing my migraines. i'm going to see a doctor tomorrow.

i saw these candies at the gift shop today and remembered eating them as a kid. i love old-fashioned candy! brings back great memories.

on a sad note, my grandfather had a mini-stroke over the weekend. he is in the hospital now and the whole family is on alert. he was unable to move his legs last night but this morning, some movement was returning. there is some swelling in the brain so hopefully as the swelling goes down, everything will be ok. i will probably be making a trip to toronto this weekend. i'll keep you all posted.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

lambo's fame...

bowling scores from saturday night... still don't believe eric lam has only played 3 times... thanks to my brother for coming out too. that was nice to hang out and relax a bit. top score goes to eric "lambo." "josephanie" comes in second, while my brother "master p" and i, "topomax" round out the bottom.

Friday, November 04, 2005

enjoy the weather while it lasts!

nice and clean...
and again the migraines have rendered me completely useless. and i've been suffering at work too! nothing seems to be going very smoothly right now. but that is ok. i have a wonderful wife that supports me through it all and that makes everything all better! i took the day off today and rested. i really needed a day to unwind and just get my headache under control. then i took the benz for a little car wash as excercise! one last time before winter!

the fall colors are beautiful here in cleveland. the weather is still pretty nice. i know that it won't last so we should all go out and enjoy it this weekend. my parents however, are in toronto right now. my grandfather has been having dizzy spells so my dad is there to make sure that everything is ok. i hope that all is well. i'll keep you guys all posted.

my brother had his first interview for residency and he thinks he did great! i'm so happy for him. he was yelling at me that i didn't tell him that one of my best friends, emily, is a senior resident in critical pulmonary care at riverside. it totally slipped my mind. but i don't think he needs any help. my brother is so smart and i'm so proud of him! go get them eric!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

big brother is watching us...

i read in a recent article today that they are thinking about using active cell phone connections to track traffic congestion on highways. at first i thought that this was a pretty good idea. until i thought about the privacy issues. is this really necessary? i mean, come on! aren't there better and cheaper, more accurate ways to track traffic? i would think having speed sensors several miles apart from each other would be a pretty good indicator of flow of traffic. this is truly a gateway for an invasion of privacy! i'm totally against this use of technology. it sounds a little too big brother to me!

i had to go to a faculty meeting today. it was pretty boring. but at least i got free lunch. it was nice to hear that joe is interested in recruiting some human geneticist to the department. but when asked to narrow down exactly what field or interest, there really was no focus. from the hundreds of applications for faculty candidates, there was not a single human genetics applicant. we really need to recruit a senior faculty to the department and attract some good people. we have good resources, and we need to find someone who can and will know how to use those resources, from our RNA center to our cancer research ties, to our newly formed proteomics center, we should be able to attract some good people.