Saturday, April 26, 2008

Dreams do come true...

Introducing my new 2008 WRX Sti.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Two days of one mans life recorded...

This is a video of a man trapped in the elevator for almost 2 days. I feel really bad for this poor guy! It's almost like a psychology experiment gone totally wrong! Notice the fetal position. What's interesting is that he will try to open the door every once in a while just to reaffirm his situation. I wonder what was going through his head! At 12-13 hours I think he actually begins talking to himself. This man will need to go through therapy after an ordeal like this! I can't believe nobody noticed him! What are security cameras for if nobody is watching!!! The video is time lapsed. I wonder what he did when nature called?

Apparently, this happened several years ago. The man ended up getting a small settlement and has lost his job since. Sad...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Analog or digital?

I'm a big fan of watches. Not sure if it's a guy thing but I am willing to bet there is a gene on the Y chromosome that makes guys dig watches. And this my friends is hands down one of the coolest watches I have ever seen! It's a completely analog watch with no digital pieces or use of LEDS. The description of the thing makes me want it even more even if I don't understand it!
The mechanically operated digital display of the second timezone shows tens of hours, single hours, tens of minutes and single minutes, all displayed by mobile microsegments driven by an assemblage of 23 cams connected to a set of gears and a triggering and synchronization system. The time information is displayed by an array of 23 horizontally and vertically positioned microsegments. Vertical segments are 9 mm high and weigh at most 25 milligrams while the horizontal segments measure 2.90 mm in length and weigh only 10 milligrams. The segments have four faces: two opposing visible faces fitted with colored strips and two opposing unmarked faces. Time changes are effected by 90° rotations of the required segment or segments. Involving one to twelve segments, time changes are lightning fast.Is it too early to start a Christmas wish list?? The limited-edition Di Grisogono Meccanica DG is top on my list!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Devil May Cry 4

I have the best wife in the world! She surprised me with a new game on Sunday for no reason at all! I've been trying to save money for a new car so I have been holding back on buying video games. The last game I bought was COD4 in December!! Definitely the longest period of time between new games! Well, in my spare time, I'll answer Nero's call! Thanks honey!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

My Grand Mentor...

What an exciting day! I got to listen to J. Craig Venter give a seminar today on his exciting career and what he sees as the future of science. Dr. Venter is the founder of Celera and the brains behind the sequencing of the human genome. He also happens to be the mentor of my mentor, Mark Adams. This makes him my grand mentor! One of his many projects involves collecting genes from organisms around the world mostly from the Sorcerer II (below). Now the exciting part, with millions of genes in his collective database as his tools, he plans to build artificial organisms custom made to perform specific functions. One exciting application would be the production of biofuels. It's no wonder he was ranked by Time Magazine as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World and one of the top 3 scientist of our time.
I'm so honored to be a part of his academic lineage. I hope that I can accomplish just a fraction of what he has already done! Todays talk was such an inspiration to work harder and believe that nothing is impossible. (From left to right: Gabrielle Nickel, Mark Adams, Craig Venter, Me)