Thursday, February 07, 2008


This is a formal complaint I sent to Microsoft regarding the delay of my Zune order:

I placed an order (1/17/2008) for a Black Zune 80 with Tattoo and Text on the site. My credit card was charged the following day. I got an order confirmation stating that my Zune would arrive in 5-7 days. I understand there was a “delay” for the Red Zunes although I never got any communication regarding this.

I was informed after many frustrating calls to 1-877-GET-ZUNE and what little information I could gather on the forum that the delayed Zunes would ship on a first order first serve basis on 2/4/2008. I STILL do not have a shipping confirmation or tracking number. After many days of calling and frustration, NOBODY can give me a tracking number. Only that it SHOULD have shipped. I have compiled a list of IDs from the social forum. This is the breakdown:

ID Ordered
zxo2000 15-Jan NO
J iIIian 16-Jan NO
DruJC 16-Jan NO
BunnyGlue 16-Jan NO
WoodyWindy 16-Jan NO
clc15025 16-Jan NO
Delux24Seven 16-Jan 7-Feb
QueenIce07 17-Jan NO
Halogene 17-Jan NO
pulsetn 17-Jan 7-Feb
LBrenn 20-Jan 7-Feb
Jfunkese 22-Jan 6-Feb
RazielderVampir 26-Jan 7-Feb
28-Jan 7-Feb
Uhlisuh 28-Jan 6-Feb

I want either a TRACKING number immediately or a reasonable explanation why my Zune has not shipped. This is totally unacceptable for a product that I have already been charged for AND an order I am not able to cancel. Somebody needs to fix this now. I have gotten promises of calls from supervisors and even a promised call from your Critical Response Team (2/6/2008) regarding a tracking number but nothing has happened. WHO IS RESPONSIBLE?

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