Sunday, February 10, 2008

Having A Ball!

Josephine and I went to a fund raising ball for the Kidney Foundation of Ohio. The event was held at the Intercontinental Hotel next to the Cleveland Clinic. Josephine got two tickets from work. The tickets were $100-$2000 a head!! Being a black-tie event, we both had a good time getting dressed and figuring out what to wear. (Granted I had an easier time than Josephine!) The event raised over $140,000. The MC celebrity was Mark Nolan, a local weather forecaster for WKYC.

They were honoring Dr. Braun, a noted nephrologist who was a pioneer in kidney transplantations. What I got most out of the few speeches was that the most important achievement in his life even with all the patients lives that he touched, was his role as a family man. I've noticed this many times and the most successful PIs that I know, also are extremely family oriented. I am glad that I found a wonderful partner in life that I can see us starting a wonderful family of our own. OK, now back to work so that I can do my part!

1 comment:

jojophine said...

the tix were $200-1000 per head! crazy huh! and the food wasn't that great. thanks for being my date. it was fun. too bad i got outbid.
love u!