Thursday, February 28, 2008

Joffrey's Java Beta Tester...

I've just been selected to be a coffee beta tester for Joffrey's Java! I'm excited to get the coffee and let you guys know what I think.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Another Winter Day in Cleveland...

Sitting here in Arabica in University Circle. It's snowing outside but it's really beautiful. the snow is hanging on to the tree branches for dear life almost knowing that this will probably be one of the last snow storms of the year (fingers crossed). It's strange to recall that this is the same coffee shop that I studied in during my freshman year of college. Still here after 14 years. It is time for me to get out of here. At least I guess I can truly call myself a Clevelander!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

U2 3D

Josephine bought tickets for us to go see U2-3D last night. It was amazing! For any U2 fan it is a must see and for any casual listener, it's a great intro to what a great rock band they are. My favorite part was Bono on the drums and the transition into Bloody Sunday. The film angles were awesome and it was well edited to give a great feeling of depth. In one scene, Bono reaches out to the audience and you feel like you can reach out and touch him. There were of course a lot of classic U2 hits that they were not able to play but that's what happens when you have such a huge repertoire.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Google Medical

Google has started a test pilot of medical record keeping in collaboration with the Cleveland Clinic. This pilot study will involve 1,500 to 10,000 volunteers who have given Google the right to house their medical information to make it more readily available to them if they discontinue services at the Clinic. I personally would be very scared to have one centralized medical record keeper although I can understand the benefits as well. I think there needs to be some good ground rules set before anything like this goes to public use. I'm surprised that Google would take such a huge risk in taking on this project however, I can't think of a better company to do it!

The original article after the jump.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The HDDVD vs BluRay wars are officially over.

With the announcement from Toshiba (the only manufacturer of stand-alone HD DVD players) that they will no longer be making HD players, the last nail in the coffin has been hit home. This was a drawn out battle but Blu-Ray has won the war. I feel bad for all those people who had bought HDDVD players. I'm glad I held out. I was so tempted to buy the HD DVD player for the 360, but I hear that there will be a Blu-Ray player for the 360 soon! I'm going to wait until Blu-Ray discs become more popular (cheaper!).

My Zune...

Sorry I haven't written in a while. I've been enjoying my Zune! Here it is:

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Having A Ball!

Josephine and I went to a fund raising ball for the Kidney Foundation of Ohio. The event was held at the Intercontinental Hotel next to the Cleveland Clinic. Josephine got two tickets from work. The tickets were $100-$2000 a head!! Being a black-tie event, we both had a good time getting dressed and figuring out what to wear. (Granted I had an easier time than Josephine!) The event raised over $140,000. The MC celebrity was Mark Nolan, a local weather forecaster for WKYC.

They were honoring Dr. Braun, a noted nephrologist who was a pioneer in kidney transplantations. What I got most out of the few speeches was that the most important achievement in his life even with all the patients lives that he touched, was his role as a family man. I've noticed this many times and the most successful PIs that I know, also are extremely family oriented. I am glad that I found a wonderful partner in life that I can see us starting a wonderful family of our own. OK, now back to work so that I can do my part!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Zune Delay Resolved...

I got an email from Zune customer service. I am very happy that they have finally taken charge of the situation and I am very pleased with their compensation. They have decided to refund the entire amount and send my Zune within 3-4 days. After all my frustration, i really wasn't sure how MS could make things right. But this definitely makes me happy.

Thursday, February 07, 2008


This is a formal complaint I sent to Microsoft regarding the delay of my Zune order:

I placed an order (1/17/2008) for a Black Zune 80 with Tattoo and Text on the site. My credit card was charged the following day. I got an order confirmation stating that my Zune would arrive in 5-7 days. I understand there was a “delay” for the Red Zunes although I never got any communication regarding this.

I was informed after many frustrating calls to 1-877-GET-ZUNE and what little information I could gather on the forum that the delayed Zunes would ship on a first order first serve basis on 2/4/2008. I STILL do not have a shipping confirmation or tracking number. After many days of calling and frustration, NOBODY can give me a tracking number. Only that it SHOULD have shipped. I have compiled a list of IDs from the social forum. This is the breakdown:

ID Ordered
zxo2000 15-Jan NO
J iIIian 16-Jan NO
DruJC 16-Jan NO
BunnyGlue 16-Jan NO
WoodyWindy 16-Jan NO
clc15025 16-Jan NO
Delux24Seven 16-Jan 7-Feb
QueenIce07 17-Jan NO
Halogene 17-Jan NO
pulsetn 17-Jan 7-Feb
LBrenn 20-Jan 7-Feb
Jfunkese 22-Jan 6-Feb
RazielderVampir 26-Jan 7-Feb
28-Jan 7-Feb
Uhlisuh 28-Jan 6-Feb

I want either a TRACKING number immediately or a reasonable explanation why my Zune has not shipped. This is totally unacceptable for a product that I have already been charged for AND an order I am not able to cancel. Somebody needs to fix this now. I have gotten promises of calls from supervisors and even a promised call from your Critical Response Team (2/6/2008) regarding a tracking number but nothing has happened. WHO IS RESPONSIBLE?

Becareful of the Gyoza!

A recent article says that there was a batch of tainted dumplings shipped to the Japanese market. Somehow the conclusion was made that it was done on purpose. Not exactly sure what the reasoning would be! Sorry Toshi!! Make sure your family doesn't buy this brand until they figure things out. On the other hand, why would you buy Chinese gyoza in Japan?

Beijing 2008 Olympics

I'm very excited about the upcoming Olympics hosted in Beijing, China. This will be a great opportunity for China to show the world the beauty of our culture and modern progress. Have you seen some of the buildings that have been erected for the games? Absolutely beautiful. Although there is still a lot of reform that will be required, I think that China is steadily moving in the right direction.

I came across this cartoon which is rather funny. Hope it doesn't offend anybody!

How Beijing came up with their Olympic logo:

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Happy New Year!

Today is Chinese New Year's Eve! Josephine, the brothers and I were going to go to a Korean restaurant but I guess they decided to take the day off! We were all looking forward to it! But we ended up going to Siam Cafe. It was nice to have dinner with everybody.

I wish all of you a Happy New Year with good health and fortune. Best wishes!!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

iPod Touch now with bigger capacity...

Adding to my Zune delay frustrations is the latest update from Apple. They have upped the memory to 32gigs for the Touch. Still just below what I would want but getting close to my 40gig minimum requirement. But at a price of $499, you must be crazy!!! However, this trend does make me feel better because it is unlikely that they will be coming out with a Touch with hard drive model and will most likely continue to increase the flash capacity as the technology allows.

U2 in 3D

I will be going to see U2 in 3D. I'm really excited about it. I heard that it is a great experience and that the visual effects are amazing. I did not go see Beowulf, but I heard it is the same technology. I'm happy to see that 3D is making a huge comeback. I hope that it succeeds!

Speaking of 3D, a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon has developed a way to hack the Wii technology into some very cool uses. Including a virtual 3D hack. Check out the video, looks very impressive. I think Nintendo and other software companies need to give this guy a job!!!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Zune is still not here!

The black Zune80 that I ordered 3 weeks ago is still not here! I've ordered a few accessories for the new toy and they have all arrived!! I bought the old Zune A/V package and modified it to fit the new Zune. I was able to shave off the bottom tray so that I could keep the shiny cover. I'll post pics as soon as my Zune gets here! I heard that there was some undisclosed reason for the delay and that we would be compensated some how. One rumor was that we would get the new A/V pack for version 2 Zunes. I guess I could always sell it on ebay!

Friday, February 01, 2008

Zune Delays

It has been over two weeks since I ordered my Black Zune 80 original. It is still not here!! I'm so disappointed!! Maybe I should have gotten an iPod Classic!