Monday, January 21, 2008

Joining the Zune Social...

So I've been extremely happy with my 4th Gen Ipod. I've had it for a good 3 years now and it's been very reliable. But recently the battery just hasn't been holding it's charge. Time for a new MP3 player. After extensive research, I've decided to get the 2nd Generation Zune 80. The hardest part was to decide on even buying a new player since Josephine got me the iPod as an engagement present. On the back she had engraved our engagement date. I will keep the iPod in the car as a mobile music storage device.

I've put my order in for the Zune at the site so that I can get free engraving. It will be engraved with our wedding date and "chapter II" in memory of my iPod! The choices were mainly the new iPod 80 classic or the zune 80. The iPod Touch was out of the question because of the measly 16 gigs. If it came with at least 40gigs, it would have been the hands down selection. But the Zune with it's new design, scroll pad, large screen, and wifi edged out the perennial favorite.

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