Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Gran Turismo 5 Envy

This is a screen shot from the upcoming GranTurismo5 Prologue. The latest installment from Polyphony Digital in their extremely successful driving simulator series. This is the reason to get a PS3!!! It is the game that made me doubt my purchase of getting a 360. With the first installment of Forza, I really thought I would not miss the GT series. Visual damage to the car a great feeling simulator and unlimited customization of cars all on the LIVE network. However the lack of diversity in the tracks (they are basically all circuit tracks), I miss racing in Tokyo on the streets and in the Alps for a few rally races. GranTurismo5 is begging me to buy a PS3. Hmmm... I wonder if Josephine would..... I still have time... GT5 Prologue ships April 17th.... Come on honey! Just look at the picture!!!

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