Monday, March 31, 2008

Pittsburgh is not so bad after all.

Took a nice day trip to Pittsburgh this past weekend and I was pleasantly surprised. It's actually a very pretty city with the three rivers and all the bridges. We got there early in the morning and walked around the market. Went to Wholly's seafood market and had some fried calamari and clams. Delicious. Then we got a coffee and did some window shopping. For lunch we wen to Primanti Brother's for their almost famous panini sandwhich and a cup of chili.

After that we went to Ikea and walked around. Got a nice little lamp and night light. Then we went back into the city and took a ride on a cable car up the Duquesne Incline. We later realized it was probably better to drive up there and save a few bucks! We also drove past another incline which we decided to call the Fuquesne Incline. It's funny when you pronounce it all loud.

We got dinner for free at Hooters at Station Square. It was obviously an area that once was hot but now was quickly becoming a ghost town. Next time we'll have to pick out a nice restaurant on Carson. I'll take any suggestions!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The STi on GT5

My favorite car in my favorite game. Wish I had one of these!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


A new life has come into the world! Baby Noah!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Selling Out...

Wow... This phrase has never been so true. Tom Clancy has sold his name to Ubisoft makers of all my favorite games including Assassin's Creed and all the Tom Clancy based series Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six, and Ghost Recon. Tom Clancy is still able to use his name in books and movies and such but when it comes to videogames, Ubisoft owns the name! That must have been one big paycheck!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Gran Turismo 5 Envy

This is a screen shot from the upcoming GranTurismo5 Prologue. The latest installment from Polyphony Digital in their extremely successful driving simulator series. This is the reason to get a PS3!!! It is the game that made me doubt my purchase of getting a 360. With the first installment of Forza, I really thought I would not miss the GT series. Visual damage to the car a great feeling simulator and unlimited customization of cars all on the LIVE network. However the lack of diversity in the tracks (they are basically all circuit tracks), I miss racing in Tokyo on the streets and in the Alps for a few rally races. GranTurismo5 is begging me to buy a PS3. Hmmm... I wonder if Josephine would..... I still have time... GT5 Prologue ships April 17th.... Come on honey! Just look at the picture!!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

My Dream Car...

I've decided my next car. I don't know when I will have saved enough money for it but at least the decision has been made!! It's the perfect balance of fun and practical. The new WRX STI. All wheel drive, 305hp, 6 speed transmission, and a 0-60 in less than 5 seconds, this is no toy! That's faster than a Porsche Cayman! Yet there is enough room for a baby seat in the back! Just some comparisons:

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Joffrey's is GOOD COFFEE!!

I received a sample of Joffrey's Jamaican Me Crazy coffee. And I must say it's a great coffee and I would highly recommend it! The aroma of the coffee as soon as I open the package was enticing. The only issue I have is that it is not as full bodied as I thought it would be. But all in all, it made a great cup of coffee!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Stop the Hunt for Seals

Usually I don't go around signing petitions as I can often find two sides to any story. But this picture says it all. Of course it does, as Nigel Barker famed photographer is trying to raise awareness to this barbarous act. (I am sure he didn't take the above photograph since I am sure that any decent human being would have tried to stop the man with the club!) Please take some time to make yourself aware of this cruel practice and sign the petition that could potentially save the seals. Although I wish there was something more direct that can be done as I hope that not all Canadian fishermen participate in this outrageous behavior.

Sunday, March 09, 2008