Saturday, December 03, 2005


CONGRATULATIONS!! one of my best friends, ERIC CHAN (not my brother, the other one!) proposed to his girlfriend MARI and she said YES!! i'm so happy for the both of them. i wish the two of them a lifetime of happiness and companionship. it's a great feeling to know that you will always have somebody that loves you as much you love them.

eric is one of the most loyal and caring person i have ever known. so i know that mari will be taken care of. at the same time, from what i know of mari, i know her to be a thoughtful, sweet, and caring girl as well. a perfect match... take care of one another and never forget the love that you have found in each other. always remember that a little patience and understanding goes a long way.

the very best to the very best of friends...

i'm glad somebody else will be joining this marriage boat!!! (not that it's a bad boat to be in... :P)

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