Sunday, May 07, 2006

josephine's bruise from paintball! more pictures to come!!

but in reality we were there to pick up lambo's new car. a brand new mazda3! it's a beautiful car! i like the color too. can't wait to see what changes you do with it! looks like it's time for me to get a new car...

josephine was quick to find a new car she wanted. she even suggested trading in the benz for this yellow elise! my wife is awesome!

josephine sold her very first car. lots of memories attached to that car! so many road trips! our first trip to chicago. it was the car we drove around in when we were dating. as you can see from the picture, she was sad to see it go. good luck corolla! hope your next owner treats you well!

and then a month later... josephine got one for me as an early birthday present! i have to stay young somehow!!

lambo and his firts gaming console. he was sooo happy!
i know i've neglected you guys. so here is an assortment of pictures to catch up. enjoy!